Back in Victorian times, the death of a pet didn’t necessarily mean the end of a beautiful friendship: if you had the means, you could arrange to have your faithful companion stuffed.
The process became known as taxidermy, and it turns out that there’s a modern equivalent for Apple kit that’s too old or too broken to carry on. You could call it ‘Macsidermy’.
Nothing lasts forever, and one day your favourite Apple kit must go to the great Apple Store in the sky. However, some owners don’t believe that the death of a Mac should be the end of a Mac. Their Macs aren’t just stuffed and stuck in a corner, though. They’re reincarnated, reborn in new forms designed to keep that happy-Mac feeling alive.
It’s rather fitting that the products being reborn and recycled are Apple ones: after all, Steve Jobs’ own spiritual path, Buddhism, teaches about impermanence but also rebirth and renewal. Jobs himself is pro-recycling too: as he recalls, in his pre-Apple days at Reed College, Jobs “returned Coke bottles for the five cent deposits to buy food with.”
Keep reading as we discover the incredible ways Apple owners are helping their Macs to live on.
One of the simplest, most useful and most attractive ways to reuse an old Mac is to drill a hole in it. Mac clocks are everywhere online, with sites such as showcasing all kinds of good-looking Mac clocks.
You are welcome to visit Pro Computer at Buford Mall of Georgia, we have an apple clock hanging on the wall. We can teach you how to make a clock by your own. If you don’t know where to get the clock motion components, Pro Computer can order for you as well.